Saturday, March 14, 2009


So, thanks to a certain raven haired fellow black sheep, I ended up at .:Ducknipple:. recently. The clothes are really cute - very casual and trendy. The mix of colors and the darker grungy mix make for a saucy look. :) So here's one of my fave outfits, Snabbel: Peppernoot: Gray. Everything is included - except the boots, those are property of Shiny Things, baby.

Be will drive your honey to try and keep you from other men.

But it's a great outfit to just relax by your huge window overlooking the city in..

But be WILL drive the boys wild!

Thanks, .:Ducknipple:.!!!


1 comment:

  1. Too cute, Blissie. Loved the outfit too. By the way I see your cat leaves her ball in strange places just like mine. ;-)
