Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lost In My Inventory...

Sometimes, I fall in love with a store..and then I lose their landmark in my inventory. If you've ever HEARD about my inventory, you know why.

Shameful, I know.

Well! I did uncover my landmark for Mirrors (which I think I've blogged about before). I'm a little hesitant to feature them again - but the stuff I snagged this afternoon is so cute, it's a fashion injustice not to share it.

First up, we have:

Mirrors*+Mizgirl Flower: Really cute bikini - comes with shorts, bikini bottom, and ruffled skirt. :) I feels really relaxed..a little.."girl next door" to me.

Next up, is my fave - just because it looks like swimwear I own in RL:

Mirrors*+Mizgirl Star: Kinda edgy - something you'd wear with stilettos. :) But the bows on the hips soften it up and make it girly too.

And lastly, I had to grab this "check out my sexy body in Las Vegas" swimsuit:

Mirrors*+Mizgirl Pinky: Just screams, trendy and sexy - I think it's awesome for those SL group pool events. :)

That's all you're getting out of me for right now.

So visit Mirrors if you can. :) Happy Shopping.

Blissie Boucher

Your Mission #1: Swimwear

Well, well, well.

It seems I've gone silent on blogging for too long.

Dear Reader,

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to promote your favorite piece of swimwear.

It's simple. Send me a folder with a picture of you wearing said swimwear (not a picture of it in a store, thank you), together with a notecard that gives the complete name of the outfit, store purchased and IF possible, the LM for the store.

I'll grab some of my lovely other Black Sheep bloggers, and we'll pick the best picture. If you get 500L and you'll be featured as the winner of Mission #1 in a blog post.

:) Yes, anyone can enter - even if you design the outfit yourself.

Blissie Boucher