Shameful, I know.
Well! I did uncover my landmark for Mirrors (which I think I've blogged about before). I'm a little hesitant to feature them again - but the stuff I snagged this afternoon is so cute, it's a fashion injustice not to share it.
First up, we have:
Mirrors*+Mizgirl Flower: Really cute bikini - comes with shorts, bikini bottom, and ruffled skirt. :) I feels really relaxed..a little.."girl next door" to me.

Next up, is my fave - just because it looks like swimwear I own in RL:
Mirrors*+Mizgirl Star: Kinda edgy - something you'd wear with stilettos. :) But the bows on the hips soften it up and make it girly too.

And lastly, I had to grab this "check out my sexy body in Las Vegas" swimsuit:
Mirrors*+Mizgirl Pinky: Just screams, trendy and sexy - I think it's awesome for those SL group pool events. :)

That's all you're getting out of me for right now.
So visit Mirrors if you can. :) Happy Shopping.
Blissie Boucher